21 Mar Arrogance in customs?
TIP -.If you’re In Customs Post or other Federal Unit and the Officer serves you in a despotic manner, haughty, arrogant, rude and even threatens to cause you bad in your processed and lose more time, or even if its someone that makes you have a hard time every time he sees you. DO AS FOLLOWS: First ask Him to show your badge, write the number with your full name and title, if doing this even recite the phrase “do what you want” tell him kindly “you shall give a complaint tothe Secretary for the Civil Service,” he won’t like to hear this and probably will end the process fast, if things stay the same file your complaint. If they come and punish them, share them here official site where they can. We hope you find this information useful, greetings -. Mr. Carlos García. http://www.funcionpublica.gob.mx/index.php/temas/quejas-y-denuncias.html
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